Friendly associations


Non-governmental organization called NGO ADA (Association Des Aquacultures). We work day after day in the field of AgroSylvo-pastoral exploitation, in particular fish farming in the valley of the "Niger" river. Overall objective: Endogenous development through the participation and support / accompaniment of disadvantaged communities.

Organization profile: The Association of Aquaculturists (ADA) was created in 1996 by decree n ° 019 / MI / AT / DAPJ / SA of May 2, 1996. It has the status of a non-governmental organization under private law, non-profit. The organization is apolitical, non-denominational and non-ethnic. The general objective of ADA is to improve the living conditions of women, children and vulnerable or minority groups by, among others: Increasing fish and food production by carrying out fish farming and restoring local natural resources;

The protection of water reservoirs by the construction of anti-erosion works and the planting of trees The development of off-season crops around water reservoirs; Capacity building by training development actors (women and young people) in fish farming techniques, environmental protection (nursery technique and anti-erosion control), management, literacy, self-promotion , in gender and development, decentralization, human rights for the mobilization and better use of local human, material and financial resources; Promotion of health through health education and community hygiene for better protection of women and children by informing and raising the awareness of vulnerable groups on STIs, HIV / AIDS, malaria, The strategy of the NGO ADA is to support grassroots community organizations in the search for sustainable livelihoods. For the implementation of the development actions chosen by the communities, the ADA is guided by the following principles: Improving the income levels of members of the most disadvantaged communities; • The establishment and support for the organization of already existing community structures; The mobilization of human and financial resources for the participatory development of grassroots communities; The establishment of a sustainable strategic framework with partners; The implementation of a set of actions aimed at better social and economic integration of the most vulnerable layers at the grassroots, namely women, young people and the underprivileged minority layers.

The main partners of the NGO ADA are: the Center Region, Pain Pour Le Monde from Germany (PPLM), the United States Foundation for African Development (ADF), the German Committee for the World Day of Prayer des Femmes, Trickle-up des USA, Global Environment Facility, CCISD, BIT / IPEC, and WWF France, Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe, INRAN Skills and experiences In terms of human resources, the NGO ADA has multidisciplinary skills in rural development: sociologists, fishery engineers, forest management engineers, communicators, rural facilitators, non-formal education trainers who have received various skills in self-promotion, gender and development, community life, accounting / business management, micro-finance ; which enabled the ADA to carry out several actions mainly in the field of gender equality and the self-promotion of women. Participation of women: Women occupy a primordial place in the partnership that the ADA develops with the grassroots communities.

Thus, under the initiative of the ADA, several village groups have emerged in the area of ​​the "Niger" river basin of Ayérou. in Gaya. These groups, organized in unions, then in federations of groups, bring together 85% of the women of the local people targeted in its area of ​​intervention; or around 5,000 women members. These women run their structures themselves, thus playing a capital role in the projects and programs implemented by ADA in cooperation with its various technical and financial partners.

NGO ADA (Association of Aquaculturists) B.p: 11688 Niamey-Niger

Phone: + 227 21 76 03 00 Cel: +227 96 47 86 51/96 56 29 93/90 25 72 27

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Headquarters: Niamey / Kouara Kano.

Nos sponsors 2022-2023

Nous sommes soutenu par Ville de Genève, les SIG et la Commune de Chêne Bourg